With lists upon lists of incredible books to read and movies to watch, it's easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to begin. We curated this guide to help small groups navigate and discuss a small selection of anti-racist media, and connect their new insights to concrete action.

Some of us learn better by watching videos, listening to podcasts, or reading books while taking notes, so we have collected multiple formats of media to support those learning modes. For most pieces of media listed below, there are discussion questions, ways to dig deeper into the topic, and relevant actions to take to help affect positive change at the local and national levels.

To help get your group started, we've prepared Rules & Facilitation Tips for running group meetings and Templates for inviting your friends to join your group and sharing what you've learned.

If you have children, we have also collected resources For Families.

This isn't going to be easy, but we are so glad you are here. Thank you for showing up to do the work.

Media List

We have grouped and sequenced the media items below into 13 modules. We recommend working through the content within each module together.

<aside> 📚 If your local library doesn't have a copy, please buy from a Black owned bookstore or find your local bookstore.


↓ Click ****All to filter by media type or change the view to a gallery.


Rules & Facilitation Tips


Additional Actions

Additional Reading & Resources

For Families


Credits & Contributors